
Our Culture Assessment

Culture is a hard thing to measure, yet without an accurate measurement we cannot know where and how to make meaningful improvement. Our assessment is the result of two decades of research and development, and has helped companies of many shapes and sizes to capture cultural data and use it to improve.

The Assessment Process

1. Preparation

The process starts with design and set-up. We work with clients to identify their needs and define their scope, and make the necessary customisations. We find out how many languages are needed, and make the survey available for review. Next, we host a webinar with designated culture champions, in which we provide an introduction to the topic and discuss how best to communicate and implement the assessment. Then we are ready to go!

2. Assessment

Across the company, employees receive their anonymous survey via computers and tablets, mobile phones, or even on paper. After selecting their preferred language, it takes around 15-20 minutes to complete (depending on options selected). With live tracking of completion numbers, managers can see when they reach their minimum targets and then request for the survey to be closed when they are happy with their uptake. Then we can access the data! 

3. Reporting

Our  assessment generates a lot of valuable data, and to make this easy to manage we have created an online data platform. Developed by highly experienced software engineers and data specialists, our platform presents a wide variety of data views including the 20 dimensions of culture, highest and lowest scoring questions, positives, barriers, priorities, internal comparisons, hotspots, benchmarking against industry sectors, and employee comments. All views can be filtered (for example by site, role or department) and managers can be provided with access to different sub-sets of the data based on their role.


4. Improvement.

After the assessment and reporting has been completed, our experts provide you with a summary of the data and host follow-up webinar(s) with culture champions from across the company. We look into the patterns and trends and what this reveals, and support the development of action plans. We also provide on-going support in the form of expert webinars, articles and Q&A, to encourage discussion, sharing and continual learning. Optional additional training can also be provided. Finally, we recommend taking the assessment annually, so that cultural improvements can be demonstrated in a measurable way.